Wine Regions And Wine Districts

Wine region and wine district: what's the difference?

The wine district is what is usually indicated on the wine bottle and is the perfect delimitation of the wine's place of origin for consumers. Hungary's wine culture is characterised by diversity, originality and uniqueness. There are 22 wine districts with different climatic, topographical, soil and historical characteristics to be discovered within 6 wine regions.

The Tokaj wine district has such special historical traditions and natural endowments that it is an independent wine region in its own right. The largest wine region is the Danube wine region, located between the Danube and the Tisza rivers. The wine districts around the "Hungarian Sea" comprise the Balaton wine region. The wine districts in the Northern Central Mountains form the Upper Hungary wine region. Travelling from Sopron to Budapest, you pass through the Upper Pannon wine region, while the southernmost wine districts in Transdanubia make up the Pannon wine region.

Upper Pannon Wine Region
Upper Pannon Wine Region

Upper Pannon Wine Region

Nowadays, wine and wine districts do not necessarily come to mind with regard to this region, although there have been plenty of connections…

Upper Hungary Wine Region
Upper Hungary Wine Region

Upper Hungary Wine Region

This part of the country is a top excursion destination for many. The countryside defined by the Mátra and Bükk Mountains conceals a number…

Balaton Wine Region
Balaton Wine Region

Balaton Wine Region

The time has nearly come to discuss the northern and southern shores of Lake Balaton as one region. Although there are naturally still…

Tokaj Wine Region
Tokaj Wine Region

Tokaj Wine Region

The world's first closed wine region was established in Tokaj-Hegyalja and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. The area of the…

Danube Wine Region
Danube Wine Region

Danube Wine Region

The Danube wine region was established in 2006, formalising the logical cooperation of the wine regions previously registered as Great Plain…

Pannon Wine Region
Pannon Wine Region

Pannon Wine Region

This part of the country, i.e. the areas south of Lake Balaton, clearly yields softer acidity and riper, more balanced black grapes than the…