Balaton Highlands Wine District

For centuries, it has been considered one of Hungary's most highly regarded traditional wine regions. Some slightly tangled regulations modified its area and name, but its essence remained: very mineral-rich soils and wines with elegance, outstanding structure and reliably long ageability. Nowadays, this region cultivates predominantly Olaszrizling, but other, mainly white, varieties can also yield impeccable quality. It is typically home to full-bodied, mineral wines.


It covers the area on the northern shore stretching from Keszthely to Zánka, except for the Badacsony wine district. It is divided into three subdistricts, the western and northern parts of the Kál Basin form the Kál subdistrict, while the Balatonedericsi-Lesencei subdistrict lies on the eastern slopes of the Keszthely Hills and the Cserszeg subdistrict on the southern and western slopes of the same hills. The entire production area is 5,164 hectares, but there are currently only 730 hectares under vine.


The Kál Basin is characterised by dolomite, limestone and marl mixed with volcanic debris.


The prevailing climate is continental, but there has been a considerable increase in temperature in the wine district in the last few years. Summers are generally temperate, followed by warm early autumns.


The most widely planted variety and the one with the oldest tradition is Olaszrizling. (An almost single-variety wine region.) This is followed by Pinot Gris (Szürkebarát) and Chardonnay, while Müller-Thurgau (Rizlingszilváni in Hungarian), Traminer and Zöldveltelini are also widely cultivated. It is basically a white wine region, although the cultivation of Pinot Noir in the Lesence subdistrict can be traced back more than a hundred years. The warming climate means that increasing numbers of producers are also turning to Kékfrankos and the Bordeaux varieties, which prefer warmer conditions.

There are many beautifully structured white wines emerging in the region, primarily from Olaszrizling. This is the most widespread variety, although Furmint and Juhfark are also traditional. The last decade has seen a transition from a quantity to a quality-driven approach beginning to prevail among wine producers in the region. There has been voluntary yield restrictions only on some estates, although people have known for centuries that overburdened vines do not produce "great wines".

The Kál Basin wines are perhaps the most characterful of the three districts. Their mineral notes, pronounced acidity and moderate alcohol generally result in very well-balanced, distinctive wines. Wines from the Balaton Highlands are typically ageworthy and can be appreciated for many years. Their alcohol and acidity levels mean that they are also well-suited to long oak ageing. Low-yielding vines and long ageing brings out varietal character in wines which are a true reflection of their terroir. It is home to wines that are both elegant and charming. Sümeg, a little further away from the Balaton, also belongs here. The wines produced were always highly regarded, while it was also known for sparkling wine production.